凯特·惠特曼,23岁,a 社会学 主要和 rhetoric, writing, and media studies minor from Bedford, New York, is a student writer for Trinity’s 通讯办公室. She is a part of the Ivy Society at Trinity and sings with the Trinitones, Trinity’s oldest all-female a cappella group. 在这里, she reflects on her experiences as a teaching assistant for a creative writing course she took herself as a first-year student:


I always enjoyed 英语 and writing courses in high school, 所以说到全球十大网赌正规平台, I knew I wanted to continue studying the art of writing. I specifically enjoyed writing short stories and poems because of their abstract and personal elements.

By the spring of my first year here, I had already taken some introductory social science and math courses to fulfill my 主要和 graduation requirements, but I wanted to broaden my academic experience. I had heard wonderful things about the “Introduction to Creative Writing” course and its instructor, 三一艺术家 克莱尔米. 罗西尼所以我决定报名.

Despite the course switching to Zoom halfway through the semester due to the pandemic, my skills as a writer developed immensely and I had a newfound love and appreciation for 英语 全球十大网赌正规平台课程. The course prompted me to continue taking 英语 courses, as well as to declare a minor in rhetoric, writing, and media studies.

In the spring of my junior year, 教授. 罗西尼 reached out to me about being a teaching assistant for the “Introduction to Creative Writing” course this fall. I was thrilled to hear from her again, as I hadn’t taken a course with her since my first year.

I never envisioned myself being offered the teaching assistant role as a senior leader for the course three years later, 我急切地想接受它. I get to work with students who—like my first-year self—enjoy the freedom and diversity of creative writing. This opportunity allows me to pay back the guidance and help that was given to me by a TA when I was in the course.

驻场艺术家克莱尔. 罗西尼
驻场艺术家克莱尔. 罗西尼

Teaching assistants are an extra resource for Trinity students, offering them increased personal attention and engagement within and outside of the classroom. The exact job description varies between subjects, since each course requires specific support from the student selected for the job. TAs are meant to bring a lived experience to the role, because they are required to have taken the course themselves previously.

As the TA for “Introduction to Creative Writing,” I’m available for meetings outside of the scheduled class time to go over 作业, 阅读, 中期选举, 最后的作品集. I am a link between the students and the faculty member if they have any questions or concerns about the curriculum, 作业, or general housekeeping notes. We go over the pieces they write in one-on-one and group meetings. This way they can get feedback from different perspectives and not just the instructor. I have taken the course before, so the feedback I offer comes directly from my own experience in creative writing. Every student this semester has met with me at least once, allowing me to not only help them enhance their own writing abilities, but also to get to know them as people and as peers.

教授. 罗西尼 sees the ways a TA can help improve her students’ writing. 她告诉我, “When the students meet with you a few days before the due date, 他们得到了一个友好的, experienced writer’s perspective on their work before they revise it. So, the poem or story has marinated a little before it’s handed in. 在课堂上, 我经常听到这样的评论, ‘Kate had a great idea about the title,’ or, ‘Kate really helped with the ending of the story.’ It seems to me this is a win-win-win arrangement—the TA, my students, and I all benefit.”

Writing Center 英语 building
The 英语 Department building at 115 Vernon Street.

In the beginning of the semester, 教授. 罗西尼 was out of town and was unable to teach a class, so she asked if I would teach solo that day. This course meets once a week for 2 hours and 40 minutes, so skipping a class would mean losing valuable discussion and learning time. 我已经拍了 教育研究 全球十大网赌正规平台课程, 我很喜欢, but I had never before had the opportunity to actually teach a group of college students. It helped me to further my relationship with the students in the course, as I was able to really get to know them through the group discussions that I was leading. We spent the class on deep dives into some of the students’ poems, having discussions on what we liked and offering our suggestions. It was a productive and gratifying experience to be able to help the students who reminded me so much of my first-year self.

The experience of being a TA is something that will stay with me long after I graduate Trinity, and I will definitely use the skills I developed in the role in my future endeavors.